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ACOS - Average Cost of Sale, also known as average selling price (ASP), is a metric used to calculate the average dollar amount that an individual book sells for. It is calculated by dividing the total sales revenues for a given period by the number of units sold during that same period. This metric is typically used by publishers to measure the performance of a book, or to forecast future sales.


ACX - ACX stands for “Audiobook Creation Exchange.” It is an online marketplace that enables authors, publishers, and other rights holders to connect with narrators, producers, and engineers to create audiobooks. Authors, publishers, and other rights holders can hire and work with professionals to turn their books into audiobooks, then distribute the finished audiobooks to book sales channels such as Audible, Amazon, and Apple.


Acknowledgements - In your book, you may include an acknowledgments section where you can thank and honor the people who have had an impact on your book, its publishing, and your own life.


AI-Generated Content - AI-generated content can include blogs, marketing materials, articles, and images created by machine learning tools. The AI content creator tool generates specific content after a person inputs information such as keywords, phrases, and topics. Generally, it describes content that is fully created by AI. 


AI-Supported/AI-Assisted - AI-Supported or AI-Assisted content describes content created in part using AI-generating tools, but relying heavily on humans to make modifications and improvements to the final product. 


AIS - An advance information sheet (AIS), also known as a sell sheet, fact sheet, pub sheet, or book flyer, is a short promotional piece used to advertise the contents of an upcoming book. The AIS typically contains a book summary, author biodata, table of contents, book reviews, and other key selling points such as endorsements. It is typically formatted to be sent out via email or distributed at book fairs and conventions.


ALLi - ALLi stands for the Alliance of Independent Authors. It is a global non-profit organization of authors who self-publish, indie-publish, or hybrid-publish. ALLi provides its members with resources, advice, and support to help them make informed decisions about self-publishing and independent book selling.


ARC - An ARC (Advance Reader Copy) is an early version of a book that is sent to media outlets, critics, and bloggers in order to generate pre-launch reviews. This distribution can be done through the use of a service like NetGalley or Booksprout, or you can personally contact reviewers.


ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) - An ASIN is a unique identifier Amazon assigns to products when publishing eBooks through its Kindle Direct Publishing platform, much like an ISBN. It is free for authors.


Adhesive casebound - Adhesive casebound is a type of binding used for hardcover books which has the covers glued directly to the spine of the book. It is usually the strongest binding option for hardcover books and is often used for books intended for long-term use.


Advance - Before a book is published, a publisher may give a writer money as a kind of deposit. This is called an advance and is typically paid in two parts: one when the contract is signed, and the other when the manuscript is finished to the publisher's satisfaction.


Advance print run - An advance print run is the first printing of a book, usually delivered to bookstores and other retailers prior to the publication date. It is often sent out to create early buzz about the book, increase pre-orders, and encourage people to buy the book on the day of its official release.


Affiliate - An affiliate is usually someone who has agreed to promote or advertise a book or services. In return, the affiliate receives a commission on the sales it generates for the publisher.


Afterword - An afterword is a brief section included at the end of a book, usually written by the author, that reflects on the contents of the book and its implications.


Agent - An agent is a person who acts as a link between a writer and a publisher or editor, handling the submission of manuscripts to traditional publishers, negotiating contracts, and collecting monies due. They are often paid a percentage of the money paid to the writer in advance and from any royalties they make. May also be referred to as a Literary Agent. 


Aggregator - An aggregator is a company that helps authors distribute and sell their content through multiple online stores, such as Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. Aggregators act as a middleman between the author and the retailers, and provide a range of services from reformatting content for different platforms to providing sales analytics and reports.


All rights - An author might choose to sell all of the rights of their work to another party, meaning that the other party has complete control over what happens to the work. This is not usually a good idea for writing that could be valuable for reprints later on.


Alpha Reader - Alpha readers are some of the first people to read your book while you are still writing it. They provide feedback to help you fix any holes, inconsistencies, and writing concerns so that they can be fixed while you continue writing.


Amazon Author Central - Amazon Author Central is a free service created by Amazon to help authors promote and publish their books. Through Author Central, authors are able to manage their author page, showcasing their books, connect with readers, track sales, and get book reviews. Authors are also able to utilize Amazon’s various tools and services, such as Kindle Direct Publishing, Audible, CreateSpace, and others.


Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) - Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) is an advertising platform provided by Amazon that enables brands and retailers to advertise products and services to millions of Amazon customers. The platform allows advertisers to create and customize their own campaigns, optimize budgets, target customers, and measure performance.


App - App: Short for "application." Refers to a program that runs on a mobile or tablet device and is designed to carry out a specific purpose, like a reading app.


Apple Books - Apple Books is an e-book and audiobook platform developed by Apple Inc. It was formerly known as iBooks. It offers digital books for customers to download and browse through. It has a catalog of over 2.5 million titles in many genres including fiction, non-fiction, biographies, romance, fantasy, and children's books.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of computer programming that enables computers to think and act like living beings by using algorithms and other computational techniques to learn from data and make decisions. AI can be used to automate mundane tasks, process large amounts of data quickly, and develop personalized, targeted content. It is also increasingly being used to power tools and services for self-publishers, such as AI-driven book cover design platforms, AI-driven content editing tools, and AI-driven marketing services.


Assisted publishing - Sometimes referred to as assisted self-publishing is a broad term for businesses that provide customized publishing services for authors for a fee. These services can include a range of publishing processes, and some companies offer hybrid publishing agreements that adopt certain practices from traditional publishing like selection and bookstore distribution. It is important for authors to be aware of the differences between assisted publishing and author-publishing or indie authorship.


Auction - When publishers compete to buy a book that they think will be popular. The bids include money for the author, advertising, and money for the publisher. Auctions are negotiated by agents.


Audible - Audible is an Amazon company that offers audio books and other audio content. It is an audiobook platform where users can purchase and access audio books, podcasts, and other forms of audio content.


Audiobook (a-book) - An audiobook is an audio version of a book, usually narrated by a professional voice actor. Audiobooks allow readers to enjoy books in an audio format, making them easier to access and allowing for a more immersive experience. Audiobooks are typically produced in digital formats, such as MP3 and WMA, and can be downloaded or streamed online. Audiobooks are used to bring children’s picture books to life and make them more engaging. They feature recorded readings by voice actors who bring the text to life and the accompanying illustrations can help to visualize the scenes. They can be a great way to help kids develop storytelling and literacy skills.


Author brand - An author brand is a unified statement and representation of character and appearance that enables readers to establish a relationship with authors and their publications. Also known as a book brand.


Author collaboration - Two or more authors signing a contract to work together, in order to gain benefits from their combined efforts, is known as author collaboration. This type of teamwork between authors is becoming increasingly more common in the publishing industry. Synonymously referred to as a joint venture.


Author comps - Author comps are copies of a published book that are given to an author, usually as promotional material. Comp copies are typically provided to authors free of charge and the author can use them to promote sales of the book, or to give away to family and friends.


Author cooperative/collective - A collective or cooperative of authors who collaborate in order to maximize the effectiveness of their respective publishing projects. The group employs its collective skills to support one another and to improve their chances of success.


Autoresponder - An automated email response system used to automatically respond to incoming emails, eliminating the need for manual replies.


Authorpreneur - Authorpreneur is a term used to refer to an individual who has established themselves as an author-publisher and runs a successful business by utilizing their own rights to make their work available to a wide audience through various formats and outlets.


Author-publisher - An author-publisher is a person who self-publishes their work for financial gain. They may work with other authors to help them publish their work. 


BA (The Booksellers Association of Great Britain and Ireland) - BA stands for The Booksellers Association of Great Britain and Ireland, which is an organization dedicated to the promotion and advocacy of booksellers.


BISAC - BISAC stands for Book Industry Standards and Communications. It is a code used to classify books by subject and genre, developed by the Book Industry Study Group. It is used by retailers, distributors and libraries to categorize books in order to facilitate the tracking, ordering, sales and shelving of books.


BISAC codes - BISAC codes (Book Industry Standards and Communications) are standard codes used to classify and organize books. They are typically found on the back cover, spine, or catalog page, and are used to help retailers, libraries, and other institutions more easily find and identify books. BISAC codes are based on the Book Industry Study Group’s Subject Category Scheme, which has more than 3,000 categories.


Back matter - The series of pages that follow the main text in a book. In children's books, the back matter typically includes additional information aimed to keep the young reader engaged. This could include a discussion guide, interactive activities, games, or other interactive elements. It may also include quizzes, puzzles, coloring pages, or additional resources for further exploration of the book's content. Sometimes referred to as end matter.


Back-of-the-room sales - Back-of-the-room sales are sales of books and other products made directly to customers at an event or venue. This type of direct sale is typically made by authors and publishers who hold speaking engagements and other events.


Backlist, backlist title - A backlist is a compilation of publications from a publisher that are still in print, but were not published during the current season.


Beta reader - Before sending a polished draft of your book for professional editing, involve early readers to provide feedback. These should be individuals in your desired demographic who can evaluate your book from the viewpoint of an everyday reader. Beta readers can offer useful insight into how your book resonates with the public.


Bibliographic data - Bibliographic data, also known as metadata, is information about a book, such as its title, author, publisher, and subject, that is used to identify, organize, and classify it. This data is used to track sales, catalogue items, and market books.


Big data - Big Data is a term that refers to large sets of data that can be analyzed and used to gain insights. Big Data often includes large amounts of data from various sources, such as customer purchase behavior, web analytics, and structured data from databases. It is used to help businesses make better decisions and increase efficiency by providing insights into customer behavior, trends, and market needs.


Big Five: The Big Five trade publishers refers to the five largest English-language book publishers in the world. They are Penguin Random House, Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, and Simon & Schuster.


Big Six: Self-Publishing - The Big Six in Self Publishing is the term used to refer to the six largest self-publishing companies. They include Amazon, Apple, IngramSpark, Google Play, Kobo, and Nook.


Bimonthly. Every two months.


Bindery - The bindery is typically a section of a printing firm dedicated to folding, collating, and trimming printed items.


Binding - The process of assembling a print book is called binding and can involve gluing (perfect binding), sewing (smyth sewing), stapling (saddle-stitch), or coil binding with either plastic or metal spirals. Common binding types for children's picture books include case binding, perfect binding, and hardcover binding. Once completed, the pages and cover of the bound book are trimmed to their desired size.


Bio - A sentence or short paragraph about the writer, which can include education and work experience. Also referred to as an author bio. 


Biweekly - In publishing, biweekly refers to a time period that occurs every two weeks.


Bleed - A bleed is an image that is printed beyond one (or more) page edges and is later cut off so that the image has a “bleed” effect of extending beyond the sheet.


Blog tour - A blog tour is a promotional event for authors or books that involves visiting a number of different blogs and websites in order to promote the book and engage with readers. This usually involves interviews, guest posts, and other content related to the book.


Blurb, book blurb - A short, intriguing overview of your book, generally shown on the back cover or within the front jacket flap, will be found in a book blurb. A book blurb generally consists of 100-200 words.


Boilerplate - a standardized contract


Book block - A book block is the bound compilation of a book’s pages (including the cover). It includes the trimmed and folded pages of the book, as well as the spine and endpapers.


Book distribution - Book distribution is the process of making books available for purchase at retail outlets such as bookstores, online stores, and libraries. It involves the sale and supply of books from the publisher to the retail outlets. Distribution also involves advertising, marketing, and storage of the books, as well as payment to the publisher and the retail outlets.


Book fair - A book fair is an event featuring publishers, authors, and booksellers who gather to exhibit and discuss their work.


Book proof - A proof copy is a preliminary, often uncorrected, version of a book and is generally sent out for review purposes. Also known as a review copy.


Book trailer - A book trailer is a promotional video that works much like a movie trailer, showcasing a book in a similar manner.


Books In Print - Books in Print is an inventory of books that are currently available for purchase. It is typically distributed to retailers and other booksellers, and it includes details such as an ISBN, title, author, publisher, and description of the book. It is usually updated monthly, in order to reflect new titles and changes in availability.


Bound galleys - A bound galley is a pre-publication edition of a book's final galley proofs. It is sometimes referred to as "bound proofs".


Bound proof - A bound proof is a printed copy of a book that has been bound, or put together in a finished form, in order to be reviewed and approved. Bound proofs are typically sent to authors and editors for feedback before the final version of a book is printed.


Brand book - A brand book is a document that outlines the style, tone, and look of a brand. It can include visual elements such as logo designs, color palettes, font choices, and graphic design elements. It may also include guidelines for communication and marketing of the brand, as well as brand values and objectives. Brand books are an important tool for maintaining consistency throughout a brand’s communications and visuals. Also referred to as a brand guide, brand manual, or style guide.


Byline - The name of the author that is featured with the published work is referred to as a byline.


CAC (Consumer Acquisition Cost) - Customer acquisition cost is a metric used to measure how much a publisher spends to acquire a single customer. This is usually calculated by taking the total costs associated with a particular marketing effort, such as advertising, and dividing it by the number of customers acquired.


CMYK - CYMK is an acronym for cyan, magenta, yellow and black, the four colors of ink or toner used when printing in full color.


CIP (Cataloguing in Publishing) Data - This is a voluntary program provided to help catalogue books before they are published. More information on CIP Data can be found at the National Library of Canada Website or the US Library of Congress Website


CPC (Cost per click) - Cost per click (CPC) refers to the amount an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on an advertisement. It is a pricing model used in online advertising that helps publishers track the effectiveness of their ad campaigns. CPC is calculated by dividing the total cost of an ad campaign by the total number of clicks it receives.


CPI (Cost per impression) - Cost per impression (CPI) is a measurement used to determine the cost of an advertisement each time it appears. It is commonly used by marketers and advertisers to measure the effectiveness of digital campaigns, where it is calculated by dividing the total cost of the campaign by the total number of impressions it gets. For example, if an advertisement is seen by 1,000 people, and the total cost of the campaign is $500, the CPM is $0.50.


CPM (Cost per mille) - Cost per mille, also known as cost per thousand, is a marketing metric used to calculate the cost of a marketing campaign for every 1,000 impressions (or views) of an advertisement. It is typically used by publishers to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and can be used to compare the cost effectiveness of different advertising strategies.


CV - CV stands for curriculum vita, which is a summary of one's qualifications and professional achievements.


Case bound - Case binding is a type of binding commonly used for hardcover books. It is the industry term for a book in hardback format. 


Category Fiction - Category Fiction is a phrase used to describe all types of fiction writing. It encompasses many different genres of story.


Chapbook - A chapbook is a brief publication, either physical or digital, containing poetry or stories, usually in less than 40 pages.


Character - A character is a person, animal, or other figure in a story that has a distinct personality and role in the story. Characters in children’s books often take on a larger-than-life persona that evokes feelings of empathy, understanding, and engagement from readers.


CirculationCirculation is narrowly defined as the number of copies of a publication distributed through various channels.


Clips - clips refer to samples of a writer’s published work.


Co-Publishing - A co-publishing agreement is when an author and publishing company collaborate to share the costs and profits of producing a book, sometimes referred to as cooperative publishing.


Coated paper - Paper which has been treated with a substance like clay or other compounds to impart a smooth and reflective surface is referred to as "coated paper". This type of paper is available in three different finishes: gloss, silk, and matte. Manufacturers in paper mills are responsible for the production of coated paper.


Codex - Codex is a term used to refer to an individual book or a collection of printed, bound pages. It is derived from the Latin word codex, meaning “book.” Codex is often used to refer to manuscripts that preceded the invention of the printing press (which traditionally produced books in a codex format). Codex is also used in the context of self-publishing, as many modern books are created using digital technology and printed in a codex format.


Colophon - Originally, the term Colophon referred to the information printed at the end of a book, such as bibliographic data. Nowadays, it is used almost exclusively to refer to the logo, emblem, or device used by the publisher or author of the book.


Color balance - Refers to the colors a photograph or illustration displays, color balance is used to help a photo look more accurate to reality, while avoiding any visible color issues, such as too yellow or too blue.


Color correct - The process of fixing a photograph or illustration with an incorrect color balance or low contrast is known as color correction. First Choice Books utilizes Adobe Photoshop to make these necessary changes.


Commission - Commission is the payment an author or illustrator receives in exchange for creating a book. For example, a publisher may commission an author or illustrator to create a children's book. The commission sum would be a set fee that is paid to the author or illustrator upon completion of the book.


Comp titles - Comp titles refer to books with similar content to the one being proposed. These titles are typically included in a book proposal as a way to compare and compete with other titles on the market. Also known as comps or comparables. 


Content editing - Content editing is the process of refining the overall structure, clarity, accuracy, and consistency of a manuscript. This includes assessing the manuscript for accuracy, checking for language and grammar, ensuring consistency in narrative voice, and ensuring that the text is in line with the publisher's standards in terms of formatting, layout, and content. It also involves removing any redundancies or inconsistencies, and ensuring that all content is suitable for the target audience.


Contrast - The light and dark tones in a photograph or illustration can be referred to as the contrast. Photographs with a low contrast appear dim and lack color, while high contrast photos display more vibrant colors. However, highly contrasted images may not contain much detail in their shadows and highlights.


Copy editing - Copyediting involves reviewing a manuscript for accuracy in grammar, punctuation, printing style, and facts.


Copy editor - An editor who checks for grammar, spelling, punctuation, consistency, and readability in a text, the copy editor will be given the manuscript after it has gone over a developmental editor and has been revised by the author.


Copyright - Copyright is a type of protection that authors can use to secure their written works. In some parts of the world, exclusive rights to reproduce, license, or use a creative work such as a book, song, film, play, or artwork is automatically granted, but registering the copyright with the official copyright office in your country can provide an easier method to sue for infringement if needed. Copyright protection does not extend to facts, ideas, systems, or methods.


Copyright Bill of Rights for Authors - The Copyright Bill of Rights for Authors is a statement of principles for authors who are involved in the publishing and children’s book industry. It was developed by the Authors Guild, an association of published authors, in order to protect their rights and interests. It outlines the authors’ rights entitlements and obligations, including their right to maintain control over their work and to receive proper credit and payment. It also explains the importance of copyright protection so authors can make informed decisions about the use of their works.


Copyright page - The Copyright page is a page found in the frontmatter of a book in which the copyright information is printed. This page generally includes the copyright owner, the year of publication, and a statement of rights information.


Cover - The cover is the protective paper that encases a book that usually contains five components: Front Cover, Back Cover, Spine, Inside Front, and Inside Back.


Cover artist - A designer who creates the visuals and text layout for your book's cover is known as a cover artist. Some of them also have pre-made designs for a variety of genres that cost less than a specially made design.


Cover design - Cover design is the process of creating a visual representation of the book. It typically includes the book’s title, author name/s, illustrations, and other aesthetic elements. Cover design is important as it helps to attract readers to the book, create a memorable image, and convey the book’s overall message.


Cover letter - A cover letter is a short message that is included with a manuscript when it is sent to an agent or editor, intended to provide a brief introduction of the material.


Cover spread - The cover spread for a physical book refers to the entirety of the book's cover, from front to back, including the spine.


Creative Commons - Creative Commons is a type of copyright license that allows authors and creators to share their work with the general public while still retaining certain rights to their work. This type of license makes it possible for people to share, reuse, and even create derivative works based on the original work. It allows for greater flexibility in terms of how a work can be used and by whom.


Creative Commons license - A Creative Commons license is a form of copyright license that enables the public to use and share creative works without the need to obtain explicit permission from the author. These licenses allow creators to choose how they want their work to be used, while still protecting their copyright. With a Creative Commons license, authors can specify how their work can be distributed, adapted, used commercially, and/or modified.


Creative self-publishing - Creative self-publishing is a term used to describe the process of creating and publishing children’s books without the traditional assistance of a publisher. It involves the author or illustrator writing and designing their own book and then publishing it themselves. This could be done through various methods such as creating an ebook or a print-on-demand company. Creative self-publishing allows authors and illustrators to control their own work, as well as reach and grow their audience.


Credit line - A credit line is a statement that appears in the publication, typically on the copyright page, which gives credit to those who helped produce it. It typically includes the author, illustrator, editor, and publisher.


Critique partner - Having a critique partner is a great way to get feedback on your writing while simultaneously helping out another writer. This usually involves exchanging work, such as chapters or full manuscripts, with each other, where you can give and receive feedback. This is done in batches, meaning a chapter at a time, so that you can make comments and suggestions as you go and once you have finished, the full manuscript can be reviewed.


Critiquing service - A critiquing service is an editing service in which writers pay a fee for feedback on their manuscript to help assess the book’s commercial appeal. Fees and the degree of quality of the comments vary. 


Crop marks - Crop marks are lines at the border of an image that illustrate where the printed piece should be cut to reach the desired size.


Cropping - Removing an undesired piece of printed material, photographs, or another icon by cutting it off.


Crowdfunding - Crowdfunding is a way of raising money for a project or goal. Specifically, in the context of publishing and children's books, crowdfunding can be used to raise funds for the production, promotion and distribution of a book, or to hire an illustrator and other professionals. Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo make it easy for authors and book creators to raise funds by allowing supporters to contribute money in exchange for rewards, such as copies of the finished book.


Crowdsourcing - Crowdsourcing is a form of online fundraising that allows authors to raise money for their projects from a large number of people. It involves setting up a page or campaign on a particular platform (such as Kickstarter or GoFundMe) where authors can pitch their project, share information about it and ask people to donate money to help them reach their goals.


Cut Size - The size of a pre-cut sheet of printing paper. For most of us, that means a sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper, or an A4 sheet. (See Also: Trim Size)


DOC, DOCX - DOC/DOCX is the file type for documents created in Microsoft Word. It is used for formatting and writing manuscripts for self-publishing.


DPI - Or “dots per square inch”, is a measure of resolution in relation to printers, image setters, and monitors.


Dashboard - A dashboard is a graphical interface that allows authors to view and manage their self publishing data. It usually includes graphs, charts, and other interactive widgets to show the author important metrics such as sales and royalties earned. Dashboards are often used by authors who are self-publishing books to better understand and track their success. 


Database - A database is an organized collection of data, often stored electronically, that is used to store, retrieve, and manipulate information. In the context of publishing and children’s books, a database is typically used to store metadata, such as title, publisher, ISBN, author, and price. This data can be used to contact buyers, provide sales analytics, and improve marketing efforts.


Deboss - Pressing an image into paper so that it is lower than the surface is known as debossing or tooling.


Dedication - In a book's front matter, a Dedication is a tribute to a person, place, or thing.


Design - Design is a broad term used to refer to the visual elements of a book, such as layout, typography, color, formatting and illustrations. A book’s design is an important factor in its overall appeal to potential readers and it is important to consider when undertaking a self-publishing project. Professional designers can provide helpful guidance and expertise to ensure a successful design for a book.


Desktop Publishing - A technique of computer usage in which design, type, and graphics are arranged to create images and pages, and then printed on paper using a digital printer; referred to as "DTP" for short.


Developmental editor - An editor who evaluates the overall content of a manuscript, assessing elements such as plot, characterization, themes, pacing, structure, setting, scene dynamics, tense and point of view, is doing developmental editing. This type of editing should take place early in the editorial process to ensure the content is sound before the language and style is reviewed.


Die - A die is a tool used for cutting, scoring, stamping, embossing, and debossing that typically consists of a block of wood with a metal design cut into it. Paper is “die cut” when irregular shapes are cut or embossed into paper or paperboard using a die. 


Digital printing - Printing with digital technology that uses toner-filled print heads to produce a document from an electronic file. A cost-effective choice when smaller quantities are needed as the set up is much less than traditional methods.


Digital publishing - Digital publishing is the process of creating and disseminating content digitally, such as through a website or through digital media formats.


Digital rights management (DRM) - Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology used to protect digital content from unauthorized use. Publishers use DRM to control the rights associated with their digital content, such as who can view it, who can download it, and how it can be used. DRM helps publishers ensure that their copyright and licensing agreements are respected and that their content is not misused or repurposed without their permission.


Digital signature - A digital signature is an electronic form of signiture that is used to authenticate the identity of the author of a digital book. The signature is used to show that the author has agreed to the terms and conditions of their self-publishing platform, and is legally binding.


Direct-to-reader sales page - A direct-to-reader sales page is a page set up specifically to facilitate an author or illustrator's self-publishing success by connecting them directly to their audience. This page typically includes a full description of the book, some sample material, and a link to the book's purchasing page. This makes it much easier for potential readers to find and purchase the book, allowing the author or illustrator to build a personal relationship with their readers.


Distribution - Distribution is the process of making a book available to buyers or readers. In the context of publishing and children’s books, this would involve making the book available through bookstores, online retailers, libraries, or other outlets. It can also include digital copies of the book, such as ebooks.


Distributor - A distributor is a company that specializes in distributing books to retailers, wholesalers, and libraries. Distributors are responsible for placing books in stores, arranging for discounted pricing, managing stock levels and providing marketing support.


Discoverability - Discoverability is the ability of a book to be easily found and noticed, usually through search engine results, online retailers, libraries, and other venues. It can be crucial in helping authors increase their book sales and find new readers.


Disintermediation - Disintermediation is the elimination of middle parties in a transaction. In the context of publishing and children's books, disintermediation occurs when authors can produce and distribute books directly to readers, bypassing traditional publishing channels such as publishing houses and bookstores. With the rise of platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, authors can now self-publish their books in a more cost-effective and effortless manner, revolutionizing the publishing industry.


Distributed ledger - A distributed ledger is a type of database that is distributed among different computers or nodes in a network. It is used to track and store information in a secure, verifiable and permanent way. In the context of publishing and children’s books, a distributed ledger can be used to track publication rights, royalty payments and other publishing contracts.


DIY audiobook - A DIY audiobook is a type of book recording that is created by the author themselves. Instead of hiring a professional narrator, the author records their own narration of the book and produces the finished audiobook in-house. This type of self-publishing is becoming increasingly popular for independent authors as it allows them to create their own audiobook without the associated costs of hiring a narrator.


Domain name - A domain name is a unique address used to identify a website. It is the part of a website URL that comes after “www” and before the page name and extension, such as .com or .org. For example,’s domain name would be “example.” Domain names can be used by authors to have their own online presence.


Do not compete clause - A do not compete clause is an agreement between a publisher and an author that states that the author will not enter into an agreement with any other publisher for the same work of literature. This ensures that the publisher has exclusive rights to the author's work. Also referred to as a non-compete. 


Dust jacket - A dust jacket is a detachable protective cover for a hardback/hardcover book that displays the book's cover design. May be referred to simply as the “jacket”. 


E-ID - An E-ID (electronic identity) is an online identity or username that is used to access digital or online services and content. Generally, an E-ID is used to verify a person's identity when engaging with an online service, such as purchasing a book online, creating an online account, or subscribing to a newsletter. It can also be used to verify a person's identity when a company needs to store secure data or access secure content.


E-publishing - E-publishing is the electronic publishing of books and other content in digital formats, typically via the internet. It includes the digital publication of e-books and other digital content, as well as the distribution of digital content to consumers and other third parties. E-publishing is increasingly becoming the go-to choice for authors to publish their books, due to the convenient, cost-effective nature of the platform.


E-reader - An e-reader is a device designed specifically for reading digital texts, such as e-books and other digital publications. They are usually small and lightweight, and usually have a display that mimics the look and feel of reading a printed book. Many e-readers also have additional features, such as the ability to take notes and highlight text, or access additional content on the internet.


E-tailer - An eRetailer is an online store that offers both printed books as well as electronic books for sale.


EAN barcode - An EAN barcode is a type of barcode used to uniquely identify products and services. It is used to track sales and inventory, and is typically found on books, magazines, packages, and other products. For books, the EAN barcode typically appears on the back cover and consists of 13 digits.


EPUB - EPUB (short for electronic publication) is a common book file format - a free and open ebook standard from the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). It is designed for reflowable content, meaning that the text display can be optimized for the particular display device used by the reader, whether it is a computer screen, smartphone, tablet, or e-reader. Unlike PDF and proprietary formats, EPUB files are designed for reflowable content, using technology like HTML, CSS, and XML, so that the content can be optimized for the particular display used. This makes EPUB a popular choice for many e-book authors, especially in the self-publishing community, and is used mostly by retailers other than Amazon, such as iBooks, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Essential file format. 

EPUB files for children’s books are optimized to provide a visually engaging and interactive experience for young readers. They usually support a wide variety of multimedia elements, such as audio, animation, and interactive content, as well as a more traditional text-only format. EPUB files can be read on dedicated children's eReading devices, as well as on iPhones, iPads, and computers.

eBook - An eBook is an electronic form of a book that can be read on electronic devices such as Kindles or Kobo readers, as well as on other devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Other alternatives for the spelling of eBook include e-book, e book, e-Book, and ebook.


eBook aggregator - An eBook aggregator is a company that provides the necessary technology to distribute an e-book to multiple outlets such as Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Kobo. Aggregators manage the content delivery, sales tracking and royalty payments for e-books.


eRetailer - An e-retailer is an online business that specializes in selling products or services, usually in an electronic format. This term generally applies to online stores such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the Apple Store, but can also refer to any online business that sells specific products, such as those related to children’s books.


Economy of scale - Economy of scale is the concept of how costs are minimized with increased production. For example, if the cost to produce one children's book is $10, it may cost less to produce 10 books than it does to produce one book - the cost of production may be reduced to $8 per book if they are produced in bulk. This concept can be applied to self-publishing, where it is often less expensive to produce a higher quantity of books than it is to produce a lower quantity.


Edition - An edition is a particular version of a book and can include changes to the format or content as a result of a revision or reprinting. Editions are usually numbered, so that readers and collectors can easily identify the version of a book they are purchasing.


Editorial Freelancers Association - The Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) is a professional organization for freelance editors, writers, indexers, proofreaders, researchers, desktop publishers, translators, and other individuals who work in the publishing and communication industries. The EFA provides resources and support to its members, helping them to grow professionally, learn new skills, and advance in the publishing industry. It also provides a platform for members to network, collaborate, and share advice and ideas.


Editorial review - An editorial review is an assessment of a book by an experienced editor in order to determine its suitability for publication. The review is often based on topics such as grammar, structure, readability, accuracy and authenticity of the content. It also includes a look at overall marketability of the book - considering things such as the target audience, tone, and illustrations.


Electronic rights - Rights related to electronic or multimedia formats, known as electronic rights, are considered to be secondary or subsidiary rights.


Elevator pitch - A short, concise pitch for a book that allows the author to quickly introduce their work to agents or publishers to communicate the important elements of their book in a short amount of time.


Email marketing - Email marketing is the process of using electronic mail (email) to promote products or services, build relationships with customers, or encourage customer loyalty. In the context of children’s books, this could involve using email to send out targeted messaging and promotions to a list of subscribers or potential customers who have expressed interest in a particular book or author. It may also involve offering exclusive previews of upcoming books or special discounts for loyal customers.


Emboss - To impress an image into paper, leaving it raised above the surface, is known as embossing, or cameo or tooling.


Encryption - Encryption is the process of encoding data so that only authorized people can access it. When it comes to digital publishing, encryption is used to secure digital content, such as e-books, that is being distributed over the internet, ensuring that only those who purchase the content can access it.


Em Dash - In typesetting, using a dash that is the same width as the letter "m" for a specific font is called an Em Dash. This punctuation mark is used to set off parenthetical text or to stand in for a colon. —


Encumber - Encumber is a term used to describe the process of copyrighting a book—it refers to the legal rights associated with a work and the protection against unauthorized use or duplication of the work.


Endcap - A special retail display placed at the end of an aisle, typically found in stores such as bookstores.


Endorsements - Endorsements are brief reviews of a book written by renowned authors, professionals, or figures in a particular genre or field. They can be included on the cover, back cover, or introductory pages of a book and are employed for promotional purposes.


Endsheets - A piece of paper that is glued to the interior of a hardcover book, becoming the first page inside the book. Endsheets for a children's picture book may include printed images, colors, or design elements, such as whimsical illustrations, that fit with the look and theme of the book. Additionally, edges may be decorated with different colors, or the endsheet could be printed with the title of the book.


Ethical self-publishing - Ethical self-publishing is a term used to describe the process of publishing a book that adheres to the highest ethical standards and guidelines. This includes all aspects of the publishing process, from the creation of the book, to the marketing and distribution of the book. Ethical self-publishing involves ensuring that authors, illustrators, and other creators receive fair and equitable compensation for their work, that the accuracy of the content is verified, and that the book is produced using sustainable materials and practices.


Evaluation fees - fees that an agent may charge evaluation to assess material.


Exclusive - When an author provides an agent or publisher with exclusive rights to consider their submission for a set period of time, without any competition from other agents or publishers. Best practice indicates authors should limit this exclusive time period. Exclusivity contracts can bind an author solely to one self-publishing service, trade publisher, or retailer. Exclusivity is in contrast with a wide distribution approach. 


Facing pages - In a document that is printed on both sides, Facing Pages refer to the two pages that are visible when the publication is opened up.


Fair use - Fair use is defined in copyright law as a provision that allows for short excerpts from copyrighted material to be used without violating the rights of the owner.


Film rights - Film rights are rights granted by an agent or author to an individual in the film industry with the purpose of allowing a book to be turned into a movie.


Finished size - Once the production process is finished, Finished Size refers to the size of the product in comparison to the initial size prior to production. Additionally, this term is also widely referred to as Trimmed Size.


First rights - First rights refer to the exclusive rights to publish a work for the first time. This typically includes both print and electronic rights, and allows a publisher to be the first to publish the work in any form.


Flyleaf - A flyleaf is a single page located at the front and back of a hardcover bound book, which is not adhered to the case and is part of the end paper.


Foil stamp - A printing method in which heated dies are used to press foil onto a material. Also known as block print, hot foil stamp, and stamp.


Fold marks - Marks indicating a fold are often seen on printed material and are referred to as fold marks. These markings are typically situated along the top edges of the page and indicate the exact point at which a fold should occur.


Folio - A single complete page. See also – “Leaf”


Font - A font is a collection of characters with the same design and often the same size.


Foreign rights - Translation or reprint rights for a work to be sold outside of its original country are known as foreign rights.


Foreword - A foreward is an introductory section of a book that usually includes a brief introduction to the book by the author or a statement of appreciation to someone who helped the author with the book. It typically appears at the beginning of a book and is written by the author or an editor, rather than by an outside party. It can be used to give context to the story or provide a personal connection to the reader.


Format - Formatting involves taking a manuscript file (e.g. a Word document) and converting it into a form that can be used for eBook publishing or printing through a Print-On-Demand service. Formatting a children's picture book is similar to formatting any other type of book. However, it requires additional attention to detail such as ensuring the images are crisp and clear, that the text is formatted correctly to fit the artwork and pages, and that the multiple elements are arranged in a way that will be appealing to the intended audience. Picture books also require consideration of page numbers, as these should usually be incremented by two, otherwise the artwork will be out of order.


Formatter - The individual or tool that formulates the internal design of your book and produces the formatted file that can be transferred to print-on-demand services such as Kindle Direct Publishing and Ingram Spark.


Four-color process printing - A color printing technique utilizing black, magenta, cyan, and yellow to generate life-like images is known as Four-color Process Printing. Other names for this method include color process printing, full color printing, and process printing.


Frontlist - A frontlist is a collection of newly released books from a publisher for the current season, or for the first year of a book’s publication. Also referred to as front list or front list title. Sometimes written as “front list”. 


Front Matter - Front matter is the term used to describe a set of page elements that precede the main content of a book. In a children's picture book, front matter typically includes components such as the title page, dedication, copyright page, table of contents, acknowledgments page, and illustrative map, if applicable. Additionally, some picture books may also feature an introduction, author/illustrator notes, a glossary of terms, or a list of additional resources for further reading or learning.


Full cover - A full cover is a complete jacket that fully encases a book, usually including both a front and back cover. The full cover design usually includes the title, author name and a graphic to represent the contents of the book.


Full-service distribution - Full-service distribution is a service offered by self-publishers and independent publishers to put a book into a wider distribution network such as bookstores, libraries, and online retailers. This is done by partnering with a network of distributors and wholesalers to make a book available to a larger market. The publisher or author can receive a percentage of each book sale as part of this service.


Galley - Galleys are the initial typeset version of a manuscript that has yet to be divided into its individual pages. Also referred to as the “galley”, “galley copy”, or “galley proof”.


Genre - Genre refers to a broad categorization of writing, such as the novel or poem, as well as narrower subcategories, like a horror novel or sonnet. Children's book publishing includes genres such as adventure stories, fairy tales, fantasy, historical fiction, mystery, nonfiction, picture books, and other stories.


Ghostwriter - A ghostwriter is a writer who creates an article, speech, story, or book based on someone else's ideas and knowledge. They compose the writing without acknowledgement, under another person's name. Also referred to as ghostwriting.


Glindex - A glindex is a list of keywords that help categorize a book. It is designed to make it easier for readers to find books that interest them by providing a way to sort and search book titles. Glindexes are usually found in the back of a book, either on its own page or as part of a table of contents or index.


Gloss - A gloss is a light reflective finish that is often added to various objects that are used in the printing industry, such as paper, ink, laminates, UV coating, and varnish. It is usually produced by applying a layer of shiny material over the surface of the object.


Go direct - Going direct is a term used to describe a publishing model where writers, illustrators and authors connect directly with readers through their own website or another online platform. This eliminates the need for a middleman, such as a traditional publisher, printer, distributor, or retailer, and allows the authors to have more control over the production, pricing, marketing and promotion of their works.


Go wide - Going wide is a publishing term used to describe books that are available in multiple retailers, including online stores, libraries, and bookstores. This term usually applies to self-published books that are not through a traditional publishing house. Going wide gives authors more opportunities to reach readers and potentially increase their sales.


Graphic novel - A graphic novel is a type of book characterized by its length (at least 40 pages) and the use of illustrations or graphics to tell a story. It is similar to a comic book, but usually more in-depth and serious in tone.


Greyscale - Greyscale refers to an image that only utilizes black and white colors. In children’s picture books, the use of greyscale helps to simplify visual imagery and creates a timeless, classic feel. It is often used to evoke emotions such as nostalgia, melancholy, and fear, which can help to further engage young readers, and can help to draw the eye to the smaller details within the illustrations, as the lack of colors helps to draw attention to the lines, shapes and textures of the artwork. Greyscale illustrations can also help to keep costs down, as less ink is needed to create the images. Finally, greyscale images can 


Gutter - In the book world, the gutter is the inside margins of the back and binding edges.


Hardback, Hardcover - A hardback, or hardcover book, is a type of book bound with a rigid, protective cover made of cardboard, or sometimes leather. The cover is generally thicker than a paperback or softcover book, and it often has a visible sewn or glued spine. Hardback books are considered more durable than other formats, and are often used for higher-end publications.


Head, header - At the top of a page, the margin which can display the name of the book or the author's name is called the head or header.


Hi-lo - Hi-lo fiction is a specialized type of literature that is designed to engage readers while providing them with an accessible reading level. The material presents an elevated degree of interest to keep the reader engaged without increasing the difficulty of the text.

High concept - High concept is a term used to refer to a one-line description of a story.

Hit - A “hit” is a book that sells exceptionally well, often to the point of becoming a bestseller.


Honorarium - An honorarium is a small token payment


Hook - A hook is a unique element of a work that helps it stand out among others and piques the interest of the reader.


House ad - A house ad is a type of advertisement that a publisher places in their own publications, such as a magazine or book. It is designed to promote a particular title or titles that they have published, typically in order to boost sales.


House sheet - A printer may store paper that is suited for different printing projects, and this is referred to as a house sheet.


Hybrid author - An author who has published manuscripts both independently and with traditional publishing houses.


Hybrid press - A Hybrid Press or Hybrid Publisher exercises editorial discretion in the books they select for production. They work closely with authors but require author investment to cover the front-loaded book production costs and expenses. Most will pay an author royalties, and typically pay higher author royalties than the traditional publishers. They actively market and distribute books published under their imprints. Unlike vanity presses or pay-to-print options, hybrids usually do not require authors to buy a large number of books from each print run.


Hybrid publishing - Hybrid publishing is a technique by which authors pay a hybrid press or hybrid publisher to aid in the self-publication process. It combines elements of both self-publishing and traditional publishing, as the author assumes the financial costs of the publishing process, but the press will review submissions and provide professional-level assistance such as editing, formatting, and cover design. Hybrid publishers have varied business models, work with writers in different ways, and approach marketing and distribution in different ways - but all will curate the books they help publish. Author beware, though. Despite the existence of some reputable and ethical hybrid publishers, others are predatory, offering substandard services. 


IPR License - IPR License stands for Intellectual Property Rights License. It is a legal document which outlines the rights and other legal considerations related to the use and distribution of intellectual property. It is used for books, films, music, websites, software, and other creative works. It is used in self-publishing to ensure that authors and creators are legally protected from the unauthorized use of their work.


ISBN - International Standard Book Number - Every edition of a book, whether physical or digital, has a unique 13-digit number assigned to it (or 10-13 digits if issued before 2007), known as an ISBN. This number creates the barcode seen on the back cover. If you would like to make your book available to libraries, bookstores, and distributors, an ISBN is essential. Authors in the US must purchase ISBNs from Bowker, while UK authors can buy them in batches from the UK ISBN agency, Nielsen. In Canada, ISBNs can be purchased from the Canadian ISBN Agency, which is operated by Library and Archives Canada, which distributes ISBNs to libraries, booksellers, publishers, and self-publishers.


Imprint - An imprint is a brand name that is used to identify a book and its publisher. It often appears on the copyright page and is linked to the book's ISBN. Major publishing houses often utilize imprints to organize their publications into various genres or categories. For instance, Dutton Children's Books is an imprint of Penguin Random House that releases literature intended for kids. As an alternative to traditional publishers, indie authors may establish their own imprints to create a distinct brand separate from their author name.


Inbound marketing - Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy focused on creating content that attracts customers organically, as opposed to relying on outbound methods such as paid advertising or cold calls. It involves creating content that is relevant, helpful, and provides value to the reader, so that they can come to you when they’re looking for answers or solutions. In the context of publishing, inbound marketing could involve writing blog posts and creating social media content related to the topics you’re writing about or the books you’ve written.


Income streams - Income streams refer to any and all sources of income related to a book or series. This may include royalties (either from a traditional publisher or from self-publishing), book sales, income from licensing, book awards, merchandise sales, etc.


Independent “indie” bookseller - An independent "indie" bookseller is a business that sells books from a variety of independent and small publishing houses. Indie booksellers are typically smaller, more localized stores than larger chain bookstores, and often specialize in a particular type of literature. Indie booksellers are an important resource for authors, particularly new authors, who may not have access to larger distribution channels.


Independent press - Also referred to as a “small press”, an indie or independent press is a  publishing company whose annual revenues fall below a certain threshold. This threshold can vary from country to country or even within the same country. 


Independent self publishing services - Independent “indie” self-publishing services are companies that offer the services and tools necessary for someone to take the process of creating, publishing, and distributing a book into their own hands. This includes editing, cover design, printing, fulfilment, distribution, marketing, and more. Indie self-publishing services can be a great way for authors to get their work out into the world without having to go through traditional publishing channels.


Indie author - An independent writer who distributes their work outside of a traditional publisher or press, generally by means of a self-publishing platform such as Kindle Direct Publishing, IngramSpark, or Kobo, is referred to as an indie author. This means they have sole control over the rights to their work.


Indie Author Rights Program - The Indie Author Rights Program (IARP) is an Amazon initiative that allows self-published authors to keep the rights to their books and remain independent from traditional publishing. The program allows authors to make their works available through the Kindle Store and other Amazon outlets.


Indie publishing - Indie publishing is a term used to describe independent authors who self-publish their work. Indie publishing is an increasingly popular option for authors who do not have access to traditional publishing houses, as it allows them to have complete control over the entire publishing process, from editing and cover design to marketing and promotion. Indie authors are typically responsible for financing the production costs associated with their books and taking advantage of digital and print-on-demand printing services to make their books available to readers.


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Infrastructure as a service, commonly referred to as IaaS, is a cloud computing model that enables customers to purchase, configure, and manage software, compute, storage, and network resources via the internet. Cloud infrastructure services can provide flexible and automated solutions for the development, deployment, and management of applications and websites. In terms of children's book publishing, resources offered by IaaS can be used to help with aspects such as book printing, ebook publishing, book marketing, as well as other aspects of the publishing workflow.


Instafreebie - Instafreebie is a platform that helps authors find new readers by distributing books and excerpts for free through reader giveaways. It allows authors to give away portions of their book or full copies in exchange for reader email addresses. This helps authors to build an email list of potential readers and engage with them, ultimately helping to increase book sales.


Institutional sales - Institutional sales (or “institutional trade sales”) are book sales to institutions, organizations, government bodies, schools, and libraries. Institutional sales are a key element of the sales and marketing mix for many book titles, and for a self-published children's book author, can represent a significant source of revenue.


Intellectual property - Intellectual property is any original creative work such as a book, song, artwork, or invention that is protected by copyright, patent, or trademarks. This protection gives the creator exclusive rights to use, replicate, and monetize their work. Intellectual property rights are essential in the publishing and children's book industry, as these works are often valuable pieces of artwork, literature, or other creative works.


Interior - Interior refers to all the content within a book, apart from the cover, including every detail within the pages.


Interior graphics. interior images - Images, diagrams, and figures that are included inside the book are known as interior graphics or images.


JPEG - JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a popular image file format used to store digital photographs and other images. It is commonly used for publishing photos and illustrations in children’s books.


Justification - In typesetting, justification refers to the adjustment of line spacing within a paragraph or text so that the edges of the block of text align on the left and right. This is as opposed to ragged right, which is where the lines do not align on either side.


Justified - Text that is aligned on both the left and the right side is referred to as justified, which is another way of saying justified text, justified type, or justified composition.


Joint contract - A joint contract is a legally-binding document between a publisher and two or more authors or creators which stipulates the division of royalties the book generates.


KDP - Kindle Direct Publishing - Amazon’s print-on-demand platform that allows authors to publish paperbacks and eBooks for direct distribution through Amazon. Sometimes referred to as AmazonKDP. 


KDP Select - Kindle Select is a program offered by Amazon that allows authors and publishers to make their books available exclusively to Kindle users. Kindle Select books can be borrowed and read for free by Kindle Unlimited and Amazon Prime members and can also be featured in Kindle promotions, such as Kindle Countdown Deals and the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. Books in Kindle Select are also eligible for Kindle eBook royalties.


Kerning - In typography, kerning is a process used to adjust the spacing between characters, including certain character combinations, to optimize the visual appearance and create aesthetically pleasing designs. Kerning helps reduce the amount of space between each character, resulting in a more organized and uniform layout. 


Keyword, keyphrase - Keywords are very important when it comes to self-publishing. When using platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing, keywords play an important role in helping search engines and readers find specific genres, authors, or books and should be assigned to a book in order to make it easier for the public to find.


Kindle - the Kindle is an eReader produced by Amazon.


Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC) - Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC) is a system used by Amazon to measure the length of a Kindle ebook for pricing purposes. This system adjusts the length of a book based on the default font size and line height that a reader has selected, allowing publishers to price ebooks consistently. KENPC also helps set the royalty rate, which is the percentage of revenue an author will receive from each ebook sale.


Kindle Unlimited (KU) - Kindle Unlimited is an eBook platform that enables readers to borrow up to 10 books at a time for a set monthly fee. Indie authors can list their books on the platform through the Kindle Select program, but the book must be exclusive to Amazon for 90 days after its publication.


Kobo - Kobo is a popular and successful retailer that is based in Canada and owned by the Japanese company Rakuten. Kobo offers a sizable global market, as well as their own series of eReaders.


LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number) - The Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) is a unique identification number assigned by the Library of Congress to the catalog record of a book. It serves as a standardized identification number for the book and is used by libraries, publishers, and other organizations. Publishers often include the LCCN on the copyright page of books, and it is most commonly used when submitting information to the Library of Congress for cataloging.


Laminate - A wafer-thin sheet of transparent plastic (coat) that is typically applied to heavier stock (covers, postcards, and so forth), which provides protection against liquids and wear, and often brings out the existing hue and creates a glossy (or glassy) look. It can have a glossy or a dull finish.


Launch team- Authors may seek to build a network of supporters, sometimes referred to as a 'street team', to promote a book during its launch week. These people can be recruited from the author's personal network, social media accounts, email list, or through direct outreach. Members of the launch team can be asked to leave a review on Amazon or another platform, post about the book launch on social media, or even take a picture and share it showing them holding the book.


Lead time - Lead time is the time between when an editor acquires a manuscript and when it is ready for publication. 


Leading - Pronounced “led-ding”, is an alternate and more commonly used phrase for line spacing.


Leaf - A single complete page. See also – “Folio”


Legacy publishing - Legacy publishing is the traditional print publishing model. In this model, authors submit queries, manuscripts, and proposals to literary agents who act as intermediaries between the author and publishing houses. The publishing house then reviews the manuscript, negotiates a contract with the author, and produces and distributes the book. This process may take several months or even years.


Legal Deposit - Legal Deposit helps increase a book’s discoverability as a Canadian book, and ensures a copy of the book is available in national library archives and databases. More information about Legal Deposit is available from Library and Archives Canada. Similar programs may exist in other countries. 


License - License is a contractual agreement between the copyright holder (typically the author, illustrator, or publisher) of a creative work and another party (typically a publisher) granting them the right to use or distribute that work. For example, a publisher may obtain the license to produce a book based on an author's story or a toy company may obtain the license to produce a plush toy based on a character from a book.


Limited Edition - A limited edition book is one that is printed in a small amount, usually for a special release, assigned a unique ISBN.


Line editor - A line editor focuses on style, syntax, and flow and can contribute a great deal to how a children’s picture book reads. They can help ensure the text flows smoothly and clearly and that the images and words work together to create an entertaining and engaging story. Line editing may be done in conjunction with copy editing, but is always done after developmental editing.


List price - The List Price is a suggested retail value that is established by the author or publisher for a book. This is also referred to as the Recommended Retail Price (RRP).


Litho printing (lithography) - Litho printing, also known as lithography, is a traditional printmaking process that uses a stone, metal or plastic plate to transfer an image onto a blanket cylinder. This cylinder is then wrapped with paper, and the image is printed directly onto the paper. In the context of publishing and children’s books, litho printing is typically used to produce high-quality, full-color illustrations or images.


Log line - A log line is a concise description of book that outlines the main conflict of the story in an emotionally evocative manner meant to captivate and generate interest.


Logo - A logo or graphic that visually represents you as an author or your self-publishing imprint is known as a brand emblem.


Low-resolution - An image, either on a computer screen or in physical print, with a low number of dots per square inch is referred to as having a low resolution.


.MOBI - .Mobi is an eBook format developed by Amazon, exclusively for use on their Kindle devices and apps. It is the preferred format for Amazon users.


MG - MG refers to books written for readers aged nine to 11. Also referred to as Middle Readers.


Makeready stage - The makeready stage is the process of preparing a book or other printed material to be printed. This includes interpreting written instructions for file preparation, making design tweaks to the layout, checking for any errors, and creating a proof that can be reviewed. This stage is an important step to ensure the finished product meets the desired quality standards and contains no mistakes. 


Manuscript (MS) - The manuscript is the full version of the written work, unaltered by any editing or formatting. Unlike novels, picture books may include illustration notes to describe the scene and provide guidance to the illustrator on what images could be used to best convey the author's story.


Manuscript appraisal - Manuscript appraisal (also referred to as content editing) is the process of determining the overall quality of a manuscript from an editorial perspective. Content editing looks at the structure, content, and presentation of a manuscript, including its readability, style, clarity, and relevance. The goal is to ensure a manuscript is well-written and suitable for publication.


Manuscript conversion - Manuscript conversion is the process of converting a written manuscript into an electronic format. This is often done for use in self-publishing or digital publishing, or for other types of digital publishing, such as for online or print-on-demand editions. The process can involve formatting, proofreading and other editorial tasks to make sure the manuscript is in the best format for its intended outcome.


Margin - White space around the perimeter of the page or printed material is referred to as a margin.


Marketing -  Publishing a children’s picture book is a special process due to the fact that children are the intended audience. Marketing efforts often involve working with bookstores, schools, libraries and other organizations that cater to children and families. Additionally, children’s picture books can be promoted through social media, book review sites and through children’s authors’ websites and newsletters.


Marketing fee - Some agents charge a marketing fee to cover the expenses of marketing a manuscript such as postage, photocopying and other expenses.


Marketing plan - A marketing plan is a strategic effort to define measures and materials intended to promote and sell an author's work. It outlines the necessary steps, documents, and output to reach and engage readers.


Mass Market - Mass market refers to non-specialized books with general appeal geared towards a large audience. A 'mass market paperback' is a smaller and cheaper edition of a book, usually printed after the hardcover and trade paperback versions have been released.


Matte finish - A matte finish is the flat (not glossy) appearance of photographic paper or coated printing paper.


Media kit - Also known as a press kit, is a set of materials that has been compiled ahead of time and is sent to media outlets, bloggers, event planners, and other players in the publishing industry. It generally includes a press release, synopsis or excerpt, author bio, headshots, book cover image, early reviews, and other promotional materials.


Media list - A media list is a list of contacts that a publisher or author uses to promote their book. It typically includes contact information for journalists, bloggers, and influencers in the media industry. The list will usually include their name, outlet, contact information, and any other details that could be helpful for promoting the book.


Metadata - Metadata refers to the bibliographic description of a book, including the title, author's name, book description, ISBN, publisher, genre category, publication date, and price. This data is necessary to register the book in the publishing catalogs, stock lists, and other trade distribution networks. Furthermore, metadata includes information for search engine optimization which helps customers find the book through keywords.


Micro-publisher - A micro publisher is a small, independent publisher that typically focuses on a specific kind of book, such as children's books. They often specialize in a certain subject matter and may focus on a certain genre or market. Micro publishers typically have a narrower scope than traditional publishers, and often have fewer resources. They may specialize in print books, e-books, or both.


Midlist - Also known as a midlist title, this is a book on a publisher's list that isn't expected to be a blockbuster but is anticipated to have a limited or moderate sales potential.


Mock Up - A prototype of a proposed book with images and instructions, commonly used in developing children's literature, to help arrange images and words.


Multiple contract - A multiple contract is a book contract with a provision for a potential agreement for one or more additional book(s).


Multiple submissions - Submitting multiple pieces of content to a publisher at once is known as multiple submissions. This can include more than one book, article, or poem.


NaNoWriMo - NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is an annual event in November where participants have the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Writers of all ages, including children, can participate and learn the joy of creating their own stories.


NaPoWriMo - NaPoWriMo, short for National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual event held during the month of April. It encourages people to write a poem a day for the entire month, with the purpose of sparking creativity and exploring the craft of poetry writing. It is a great opportunity for both adults and children to explore their love of writing, and to learn more about the craft of writing poetry.


NCX - NCX stands for Navigation Control eXtended. It is an XML format used to store a hierarchical table of contents for EPUB electronic books. NCX tables of content enable readers to easily navigate an electronic book by providing bookmarks, allowing them to easily jump to or return to certain pages or sections.


Narrative nonfiction - Narrative nonfiction is a type of writing that utilizes a narrative approach to presenting real events. This genre of writing is also referred to as creative nonfiction.


Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that is used to analyze and understand human language. NLP is used to analyze text and detect patterns and relationships between words and phrases, making it possible to accurately interpret user intent in a natural language, such as English. In children’s books, NLP can be used to generate personalized content and automated tools to improve reading comprehension.


Net royalty - A net royalty is a royalty payment that's derived from the amount of money a book publisher earns on the sale of a book after subtracting booksellers' discounts, any special sales discounts, and returns.


Newswire distribution - Newswire distribution is the process of distributing press releases or other newsworthy information about a book or other publication through newswire services. This process can help spread the word about the book and promote it to various media outlets that may otherwise not have gotten the information.


Niche - In the publishing industry, a niche is a smaller subset within a larger genre. For example, within children’s books, there might be niche categories such as YA fiction, picture books, fairy tales, and educational books. A niche allows authors to target their books toward a specific audience, allowing them to more effectively market and promote their work.


Non Exclusive contract - Non Exclusive contracts are agreements between an author and publisher wherein the author gives the publisher the right to publish their book but retains the right to offer it to other publishers or to self-publish it. This type of contract gives the author the most freedom while still allowing the publisher the benefit of being able to publish the author's book.


Nook - Nook is the brand of the eReader that was developed and sold by Barnes & Noble.


OONIX - XML Data format book publishers use to submit bibliographic metadata to statistics-gathering organizations (e.g. BookNet Canada).


Off-the-book attention - Off-the-book attention refers to media attention that is not specifically related to a particular book. It is usually connected to a particular author or publisher, and can include things such as interviews and reviews in newspapers, magazines, and on television and radio shows. Off-the-book attention can help to promote a book, and can be an effective way for an author or publisher to reach an audience.


Offset printing - Offset Printing is a type of printing method where ink is applied to a page of a book through the transfer of inks from a roller to a printing surface. This form of printing is typically used for larger print runs and is a more conventional method compared to digital printing. It is usually combined with lithography, which utilizes the principle of an oil-water repulsion. It is an important factor to consider when selecting trim sizes and page numbers for a children’s book.


On spec - A writer may submit a completed manuscript to an editor to be published "on spec." This means that the editor is not obligated to purchase the manuscript, but is instead speculating that it will be successful.


One-time rights - Rights allowing a manuscript to be published just once are known as one-time rights. Under such a contract, the work can be sold again by the author without any risk of violating the agreement.


Open Up To Indie Authors (OUTIA) Campaign - The Open Up To Indie Authors (OUTIA) campaign is an effort by indie authors and publishers to make their books more widely available to booksellers and readers. The campaign aims to bring visibility to independent authors and publishers, challenge the traditional publishing status quo, and support the development of independent publishing. It works to increase the presence of independent authors and publishers on the shelves of bookstores, libraries, and other retailers - thus allowing readers to discover indie authors and publications more easily.


Option clause - An option clause in a publishing contract grants the publisher the authority to publish the author's following work.


Out of print (OP) - Out of print is a term used to refer to a book or other text that is no longer available to buy from bookstores or other retailers. It may still be available in libraries or second-hand, but it is not being actively sold by the publisher.


Overs - If a greater number of prints than the original order is made from a press run, those extra copies are referred to as overs. This is done to ensure that there is a surplus of copies in case any become damaged during printing, binding, or finishing. 


P-book - P-book is an abbreviation for a “print book”. A print book is a physical book that is printed with ink and paper, as opposed to an ebook, which is a digital book.


PDF - Portable Document Format - A file type produced by Adobe Systems that is used widely across the internet. The formatting and style present in the document are kept intact in the file. Despite being able to create electronic books in PDF format, it is not as commonly used as Mobi or ePub.


POD - Print On Demand refers to a printing method where copies of a book are only printed when an order for that book has been received. This method of printing can reduce the costs associated with traditional printing and warehousing of excess inventory. Popular POD companies include Amazon's CreateSpace, IngramSpark, Lulu, and Blurb.


PPC (Pay per click) - Pay-per-click is an online marketing strategy used to bring more customers to a website. It involves placing ads on other websites that link back to the business’s website. Each time a customer clicks on the ad, the advertiser pays a predetermined fee. This strategy is often used by self-publishers to promote their books.


Page - a single side of a sheet of paper in a publication. 


Page count - The total number of pages within a publication.


PageRank™ - Google's Page Rank is a special algorithm that rates the relative importance of web pages in a set of documents linked to each other. The score assigned by this algorithm takes into account the amount of references from other pages and also the standing of the page doing the referencing. Therefore, a link from a page with a high score will be more valuable than one from a page with a low score.




Paperback - Paperback is a type of book that has a flexible, usually lightweight, cardboard cover, and is more affordable than a hardcover book. Paperbacks are often referred to as "mass market" or "trade" paperbacks.


Partnership publishing - Partnership publishing is a type of self-publishing where a publisher and an author collaborate to create, publish, and distribute a book. This type of publishing includes services such as editing, cover design, marketing, and distribution. In a partnership publishing model, the author typically retains more control over the publishing process, as well as the rights and profits from the book.


Passive income - Income which is not reliant on active effort. Common passive income sources typically require some low-paid or unpaid labor to get the ball rolling, though most of the payoff arrives down the line. Some key representatives of passive income are interests, dividends, and royalties.


Pay per impression - Pay-per-impression is a pricing model for digital advertising where the advertiser pays for each time their ad is viewed or "impressed" on the the publisher's platform. This model typically applies to cost-per-mille (CPM) or cost per thousand (CPM) based campaigns where the advertiser pays for each 1,000 views of their ad. It is becoming increasingly popular for authors and publishers who are engaging in digital advertising for their books.


Pay-to-Print Publishing - AKA “Vanity Press”, these publishers offer things like print services, ISBN registration, and may offer editorial and design services, but they do not typically provide marketing or distribution services. Most pay-to-print businesses require authors to purchase most or all of a print run. The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) Watchdog Desk encourages authors to exercise caution when considering this option, identifying three consistent indicators of a vanity press: poor value, unethical marketing practices, and exploitative intent. They often use misleading or deceptive business practices with the intent to get as much money as possible out of aspiring authors. 


Payment on acceptance - Upon acceptance, payment is sent. As soon as a decision is made to publish an article, story, or poem, the editor will send a check for it.


Payment on publication - When an editor prints your material, they will provide a payment for it right away. This is referred to as payment on publication.


Pen name - Writing under a different name than your legal name on stories, articles, or books is known as a pen name or pseudonym.


Perf marks - Perf marks show where perforation should occur on a page.


Perfect bound - A perfect bound book is a type of binding where the pages are attached with a glue or adhesive at the spine. It typically has a cover made of paper, which is why it is sometimes referred to as a "paperback".


Permafree - A "permafree" book is a publication that is permanently free from online stores. This strategy is utilized by authors to increase their exposure and gain new readers by offering a book free-of-charge, typically the initial entry in their series. It is also employed by promoters of affiliate products or services.


Picture book - A picture book is a type of book designed for preschoolers to 8-year-olds that tells a story through a combination of text and illustrations, or artwork only.


Piracy - Piracy is the unauthorized use of copyrighted material without permission or payment. It is illegal and considered theft. It occurs when a third party publishes, reproduces, or distributes a work without permission or license from the copyright holder. This includes distributing copies of books without permission or payment of royalties.


Pitch emails - Pitch emails are emails sent to potential buyers or publishers in order to solicit sales, interest, or interest in a book. They are often sent by authors who are self-publishing or looking to get their book published. Pitch emails typically present an overview of the book, the author's credentials, and a brief description of the book’s target audience. Usually, they also include an author bio, book cover art, and a sample chapter or excerpt. Pitch emails are meant to give publishers, booksellers, or other potential


Plant costs - Plant costs refer to the expenses associated with the physical production of the book, such as printing, warehousing, and distribution. These costs are typically paid by the publisher or self-publisher prior to the book being released.


Platform - A writer's platform refers to their network and channels for reaching their target audience and give leverage and visibility to an author and their books. This may include social media, mailing lists, speaking engagements, appearances in the media, etc., but generally includes three parts: information about who the author is, what they say, and who they can reach. 


Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a type of cloud computing service that allows users to develop, run, and manage applications and services through a cloud-based platform. PaaS is often used by authors who are self-publishing to provide a range of services, such as the ability to create an e-book or print version of their book, manage content, and market and distribute their books.


Plot - Plot is the sequence of events in a story, usually including a conflict and its resolution. It is the underlying structure of a narrative, and is the main ingredient that drives the story forward. It is generally composed of characters, their motivations, the obstacles they face and how they are eventually resolved.


Post bind - Post bind is a type of book binding used when binding thicker volumes of material. It involves binding the folded pages of the book together with metal bars that go through two holes at the center of the spine. This type of binding is especially useful for educational resources, religious books and other thick documents that require a professional finish.


Pre-sale - Readers are able to secure a copy of your book in advance of its release date through a pre-sale period. Utilizing a pre-sale strategy is beneficial for indie authors as it can help generate anticipation and create a strong foundation for post-release sales. This can also be referred to as pre-order. 


Prelims - Prelims are pages found at the beginning of a book that contain certain information such as title page, copyright page, dedication, table of contents, and/or acknowledgements. They are usually printed on lighter weight paper than the rest of the book.


Premades - Premades are pre-made book covers, illustrations and other book elements that can be purchased online or through a publisher. These premades can be used by authors as-is or slightly modified to fit their needs. These are often used by self-publishing authors who cannot afford to hire a professional designer or illustrator.


Preorder - Preorder is the process of ordering a book before it is released, usually done through a retailer or publisher. It allows readers to guarantee that they will receive a book on the day of its release and is a helpful tool for authors to gauge demand for their work.


Press-ready files - Press-ready files are files of a book that are formatted and edited for print, and are ready for printing by a printing press or other method. These files contain the images, text, and other graphical elements that will appear in the final printed product.


Press release - A press release is a statement issued to the media to announce an event, product, or other occurrence. It is typically written in a concise, objective way, and is intended to provide information for journalists, publications, and other media outlets. A press release is often used to promote a book launch, author visit, or other special event related to a children's book.


Print run - The amount of copies printed in a single order is referred to as a "print run".


Printer spreads - Printer spreads refer to the way documents are laid out for printing and refer to how two neighboring pages are placed side-by-side. The pages of a document will always have a right-hand page and a left-hand page, and printer spreads refer to how these two pages are placed next to each other. 


Product mix - A production mix is the combination of print and digital components used to create a book. It includes the number of copies printed, the format of the book, the type of paper used, typesetting and layout specifications, binding, and distribution methods.


Profit income - Generating profit is the primary source of income for self-publishing authors. This occurs when the cost of producing a book, product, project or service is sold at a higher price than what it costs to manufacture. After subtracting the costs of publishing a book, the remainder is profit income.


Promotion - Promotion is an effort to focus sales around a book during a certain period. It aims to draw in the target readers and stir up their interest in buying the book.


Proof - A formatted, pre-publication version of one's book employed for final review or even disseminated as galley copies to early readers is known as an advance reader copy. Proofs for children’s books should be checked for legal and safety compliance, including any illustrations, to make sure all content is appropriate for the intended age group. Additionally, the text should be checked for any potentially confusing words, too-difficult vocabulary, or any cultural or contextual issues that could be misinterpreted. Finally, a readability test should also be performed to make sure the text is suitable for the target audience.


Proofreading - Proofreading entails a precise review and correction of any typographical errors in a manuscript. The person who completes the task is often referred to as the proofreader.


Proposal - A proposal for a book is a summary of the book that is then submitted to a publisher. A book proposal for a children's picture book typically includes a cover letter, a one-page overview of the book, a brief synopsis, sample illustrations, and a market analysis. It will also include author information and sample chapters, if applicable. Additionally, the proposal should include an explanation of why the book is unique and would be valuable to the market, and why the author is the best person to write the book.


Public domain - Public domain is a designation for works of literature, music, or other creative works that are no longer under copyright protection. This means that they are free to use, share, and reproduce without needing permission or royalty payments. This includes works that may have been published long ago and those that were released with expired copyright terms.


Publication Date - The official date when the book was made available to the public. Also referred to as “pub date”.


Publicist - A publicist is someone who works to increase the visibility of a book by developing and executing publicity strategies. This involves writing press releases, organizing events, setting up book signings, facilitating author interviews, and securing book reviews.


Publicity tour - A publicity tour is a series of events or appearances (including interviews, book signings, and other public interactions) designed to promote the launch of a new book and the author who wrote it.


Publishing - Publishing is the process of making a text, such as a book or magazine, available to the public. This includes editing, designing, printing, promoting, and distributing it. It is an essential part of the writing and storytelling process and provides a platform to showcase the ideas and stories of authors to a wide audience.


Publishing consultants - Authors may find small, independent publishers that offer publishing services, such as editing, design, distribution and/or marketing, for a fee, but do not directly market or distribute books. 


Publishing house - A publishing house is a company that is responsible for publishing books, magazines, and other printed materials. The publisher typically works with authors, editors, and designers to produce, launch, and market a book. In the case of children’s books, typically the publishing house also manages all aspects of the overall children’s book market, including coordinating and negotiating contracts, acquiring properties, and producing materials like catalogs, websites, promotional and advertising materials, and other related services.


Publishing rights - Publishing rights refer to the legal rights to reproduce and distribute a book, or a specific publication, either in print or digital format. This includes the right to translate it into other languages, to make copies and distribute them, and to make money from it either by selling it or licensing it to be sold. Generally, the author or publisher of the book holds the rights to it unless they sign over those rights to someone else.


Query - A query is a letter that is sent to an editor or agent for the purpose of promoting an idea. It typically outlines the concept of a project and provides enough information to sell the idea and give an understanding of the proposed work. The letter should include contact information, a brief summary of the project, and a sample of the project's content.


RBG - Red, Green, Blue, or RGB, is a set of colors used to represent light. Digital images often use RGB, and computer screens display this system of color. For printed products, an RGB image should be converted to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key or Black) color before printing.


ROI - ROI stands for Return on Investment and refers to the measure of profitability of an investment compared to the amount of money spent. In the context of publishing, it usually refers to the profitability of a particular book or series of books compared to the cost of publishing them.


Reader Acquisition Cost (RAC) - Reader acquisition cost is the total cost associated with gaining new readers for a book or a series. This includes advertising, publicity, promotions, and other marketing efforts. It also includes the time and labor required to engage potential readers. Such costs may be associated with print books, digital books, and audio books.


Reader spreads - Reader spreads refer to the way documents are presented when they are opened and spread out. They refer to how a reader would view two neighboring pages when they open the document. Unlike printer spreads, reader spreads are not necessarily consistent across all documents, as some books or documents may have a different layout or page size which affects how the reader views the document when it is opened.


Ream - A ream refers to 500 sheets of paper.


Remainders - Remainders are copies of a book that have not sold quickly, and are offered by the publisher at a discounted rate.

Reporting time -  It can take some time for an editor to give an author feedback on their query or manuscript. This is known as 'reporting time'.

Reprint rights - The ability to reprint a book after its initial printing is referred to as reprint rights.


Residuals - Residuals refer to the royalties or payments made to a creator of a work every time it is sold, performed, or used in any other form. It is a form of payment for creative works which allows authors to earn money even after the original agreement has been fulfilled. Residuals are typically associated with film, television, theatre, and music, but can also apply to books, comics, and other creative works.


Return - A return is when a book does not sell or has been damaged, and is sent back to the author or publisher.


Reversion - Reversion is the process of gaining back the rights to an intellectual property from a publisher or licensor. This can occur after a certain period of time has passed, or if certain conditions have been met. For example, a book author might get the rights to their book back from a publisher after the book has been out of print for a certain number of years. 


Reversion of rights clause - A reversion of rights clause is a clause included in a publishing contract which states under what conditions the rights to a work of literature are to be returned to the author. This clause generally specifies a certain period of time after which the rights to the work revert to the author if a publisher fail to exercise their rights to the work.


Review - A review is an appraisal of a book's content and quality, given by either a professional or amateur reader or book reviewer.


Review copies - A review copy is a book that is supplied by the author or publisher prior to its release, given to reviewers for assessment. These are sometimes referred to as book proofs.


Royalties - Royalties are a percentage of sales income that an author gets from their publisher that is set according to the terms of the contract. In traditional publishing these rates are most often set by the publisher, whereas in self publishing, authors have more control over the amount of their royalties. The rate often depends on the platform and format of the book, but traditional publishing royalties typically range between 10-15%, whereas in self-publishing, authors have the potential to make much higher royalties, often ranging up to 70% or more. 


SaaS - SaaS stands for software as a service and is a type of cloud computing service that enables businesses to access software applications over the internet. SaaS is typically used in the publication of ebooks, allowing authors and publishers to access cloud-based tools to create, store, and distribute digital content.


SASE - Self-addressed, stamped envelope


SCBWI - SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) is a professional organization for writers and illustrators of children's literature. It provides resources and support to its members, including educational events, an online forum, a members-only magazine, and various opportunities to connect with other writers and illustrators.


SEO - SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is the process of improving the visibility of a website or web page in a search engine's unpaid results. When done correctly, SEO can help a website rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for readers to find the book.


SWOP - SWOP stands for Specifications for Web-Offset Publications. It is a set of standards created by a joint committee with the purpose of guaranteeing that colors are consistently reproduced among different publishing houses and printed materials.


Saddlestitch - A binding style in which sheets of paper are printed on both sides and folded in half, forming four pages. It is then bound by stapling near the centre line. This is known as saddle stitch binding.


Sans-serif font - Sans-serif font is a type of font without serifs, or decorative flourishes on the ends of the letters. It is typically used for display text, titles, and headlines, as it is easier to read than its serif counterpart, especially on digital screens. Sans-serif fonts are often used for children’s books to make them more visually appealing.


Secondary rights - Secondary rights refer to the rights that publishers have to reproduce an already-published work in different formats, such as paperbacks and eBooks, and to translate the work into different languages. These rights are also referred to as subsidiary rights.


Selective rights licensing - Selective rights licensing is when an author or publisher grants permission to another party to use or distribute part of their book in a specific way, such as for translation or for public performance, for a set amount of time and/or fee. It is a way of allowing another party to use an author’s work in limited ways, while protecting their ownership of the work.


SelfPubCon - SelfPubCon is an online conference organized by IPG, the Independent Publishers Guild. It focuses on providing tools, knowledge and support to self-publishing authors, particularly those writing for children and young adults. The conference consists of webinars, workshops, interviews and presentations with industry experts, as well as networking opportunities.


Self cover - A "self cover" book is one that is printed without any special cover stock. Instead, the same paper used for the inside text is used for the entire book.


Self Publishing - In self publishing, the author covers the costs of producing and marketing the book, and keeps all of the profits resulting from sales. Not to be confused with indie publishing, which tends to refer to independent, often small scale publishers who specialize in niche genres and titles. It is written as both self-publishing and self publishing, depending on the context, though the hyphenated form is more common in formal writing.


Self Publishing 3.0 - Self-Publishing 3.0 is the concept of utilizing technology to take control of marketing, distribution, editing, and cover design for a book. This has allowed authors to publish their books through outlets such as Amazon and Apple’s iBookstore. It has also allowed for those authors to become both their own publisher and distributor, making money on the royalties they receive.


Sell sheet - A sell sheet is a promotional document created by the publisher that is used to market and promote a book. It typically includes a summary of the book, author background, ISBN, excerpts, and endorsements. Sell sheets are distributed to bookstores, libraries, and other potential buyers in order to generate interest in the book.


Serial - A serial is a publication that is released in installments, issued periodically over a period of time. 

Serial fiction - Fiction that is released in sections or parts, usually cut off at a point that is ripe with anticipation, is known as serial fiction.

Serial rights - The right for a publication to put out portions of a manuscript in installments is referred to as “serial rights.”

Serialization - Serialization is the process of dividing a book, story, television program, or other form of media into multiple parts or “installments” distributed over a period of time for readers or viewers to consume. This practice is often done to build anticipation for the work and create a sense of suspense for its readers. Serialized works are often released in weekly or monthly intervals, and can be published in multiple formats, such as newspapers, magazines, newsletters, e-books, websites, blogs, podcasts, and more.


Serif font - Serif font is a type of font with decorative, tails or strokes (called serifs) that extend from the main strokes of each letter. It is a popular typeface used for printing books and is often the preferred choice for body text in the context of publishing and children's books.


Service marks - Service marks are trademarks that define the services that a business or organization offers to its customers. Service marks are usually used to distinguish a brand or company from its competitors in the marketplace. In terms of publishing, a service mark on a children's book may be used to indicate the publisher or distributor of the book.


Shared publishing - Shared publishing is a type of self-publishing where a publisher offers resources to authors desiring to publish their work, however the publisher retains control of the publishing process, such as editing and production. In return, the author pays the publisher a fee and shares in the revenue generated by the book.


Shade - Shade is a hue that has been darkened by adding black, as opposed to tint.


Shadows - Shadows refer to the darkest areas of a photograph or illustration, as compared to the midtones and highlights.


Sheetfed press - A sheetfed press is a type of printing device that prints on individual sheets of paper, in contrast to a web press, which prints on continuous rolls.


Shelf life - Shelf life is a term used to refer to the amount of time a book is expected to remain available and popular in stores, online, and in libraries before going out of print or becoming less popular. It is used to measure the success of a book and how long it can remain profitable for its publisher.


Short discount - A short discount is a reduced price offered by a publisher to a retailer to motivate them to purchase more copies of a book. Short discounts are typically negotiated on a case-by-case basis, but are often offered when a large number of copies are ordered. Short discounts may also be offered to enhance the visibility of a book or to reward large or repeat customers.


Short-run print - A short run print is a limited number of copies of a book printed at one time. This type of printing is often used for self-publishing because it is more cost effective than a large run print. It can also be used for test runs of books to see if they are marketable before committing to a large print run.

Short-short - A short-short is a short story that is finished and complete, yet is composed of fewer than 1,500 words. It is also known as flash fiction.

Side-sewn - Side sewn book binding is a type of binding method used to hold book pages together in a secure manner. This process is often used for larger books that have more than 80 pages. It requires multiple stitches along the spine of the book, which ensure that the pages are firmly secured within the cover. Side sewn binding also provides a more robust design that is more resistant to wear and tear.


Signature - A signature is a type of printed sheet that has printed material on both sides, folded in half to create four pages. Books that use saddle Stitch and Smyth-sewn binding techniques are made from these signatures, which must have a page count that is evenly divisible by four. This is common in children’s picture books, which are often formatted to a standard 32-page layout. 


Simultaneous submissions - Submitting the same material to multiple publishers concurrently is known as simultaneous submissions. 


Slush pile - A slush pile is a collection of unsolicited manuscripts and pitches submitted to an editor, publisher, or agent. 


Smart contracts - Smart contracts are digital agreements that use blockchain technology to guarantee the secure execution of a transaction. They are designed to be self-executing, meaning that parties can be certain that terms will be met without involving lawyers or other legal representatives. Smart contracts are particularly useful in the self-publishing world because they can be used to securely handle payments between authors and publishers or bookstores. They can also make the process of posting and distributing books much faster and more efficient.


Smyth-sewn - A binding technique which consists of printed signatures grouped together in sets and stitched together at the spine. Smyth-sewn books have a very sturdy binding and can be opened almost completely flat.


Social media marketing - Social media marketing refers to the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram to promote and advertise a product or service. It includes creating content, sharing messages and imagery, and engaging with potential customers. It can be used to create brand awareness and gain visibility for authors, books, and other products related to the publishing world.


Specular highlight - Specular highlight is an area with no printable dots, meaning there is no detail. This is also referred to as catchlight and dropout highlight, and is different from a diffuse highlight, which does have printable dots.


Split run - Printing a book with some copies containing a different binding than others is known as a split run.


Spine - The Spine is the narrow edge that joins the back and front covers, typically with the title, author name and publisher/author logo noted.


Spine width - Spine width refers to the width of the spine of a book, which is determined by the number of pages it contains. The spine width of a book can vary depending on the size of the pages and the type of binding used. Generally, the spine width of children’s books is narrower than that of adult books due to the smaller page size.


Spiral bound - A spiral-bound book has its binding side punctured with holes, and wire or plastic is then intertwined through them.


Split A/B test - A split A/B test is a type of experiment used to determine an element of a book’s marketing and promotion. It involves testing different versions of a marketing effort (e.g. a book cover or promotional copy) with two separate groups of people, called the “A” group and the “B” group. The differences between the two groups’ response to the content are then measured to determine which version of the promotion was more successful. The results of the test are then taken into consideration when


Spread - A spread refers to two pages that face each other and are intended to be seen as one visual or combined unit. 


Start reading location (SRL) - A start-reading location is an area on the book page where readers can easily start and stop reading. This is usually identified by an icon, a bold-faced letter, or a special type of formatting. Start-reading locations help children become confident readers by making it easier for them to understand where to start and finish a sentence or passage.


Style - Style is a term used to refer to the unique qualities that give a book its unique look and feel. It includes the specific elements such as layout, design, font choice, illustrations, and any other distinct features. It is what separates one book from another and helps to make a book more recognizable.


Style guide - A style guide is a set of written rules for authors and illustrators to follow when working on a project. It outlines how the book should look, from font choices to page layout and even illustrations. This ensures that all published work is consistent in terms of style and quality. The style guide should be agreed upon by the publisher and author/illustrators to ensure a high quality book is produced.


Subagent - An agent who handles specific spin-off rights and typically works together with the lead agent who acquired the book rights. The portion of money given to the book agent is raised to provide payment to the subagent.


Subscript - Subscript is a type of formatting where text appears slightly lower and smaller than the regular font size. It is often used for footnotes or for designational purposes in mathematical equations and formulas. In a children’s book, subscript might be used to denote the copyright notice or to add a small footnote to the text.


Subsidiary rights - Subsidiary rights refer to all rights except book publishing rights that are outlined in a book publishing contract. Examples of these may include paperback rights, book club rights, movie rights, and more.


Subsidy publisher - A subsidy publisher is a book publisher who requires authors to pay for typesetting, printing, and jacket design, instead of giving the author a traditional publishing payment. Not to be confused with a vanity publisher, a subsidy publisher typically provides more services and offers more support, whereas a vanity publisher essentially just prints the book without offering any additional editorial or marketing assistance.


Substantive/structural Editing - Editing that is done in collaboratively with an author. This type of editor typically makes suggestions about wording, organization, or making changes to a manuscript to improve clarity or pacing. 


Swipe copy - Swipe copy is a term used to describe content that is borrowed or replicated from an original source and used in another book or publication, often without giving credit to the original author. Swipe copy is often used as a shortcut to quickly fill pages of a book or publication without having to compose completely original material.


Synopsis - A synopsis is a brief summary of a story, novel, or play. When included in a book proposal, it is a condensed, single-spaced page that provides a comprehensive overview.


TIFF - TIFF is an abbreviation for Tagged Image File Format. Compatible with many different applications and computer platforms, TIFF is a graphic and page layout file format for desktop computers. 


TOC - Table of Contents


Tagline - A tagline is a catchy phrase or sentence that is used to draw attention to, or summarize, the content or main message of a book. It is typically used as a marketing tool, featured on the cover and other promotional materials.


Target audience - A target audience refers to the group of readers that your book and promotional efforts are focused on. This may include readers of a certain genre, age group, with particular interests, etc. When targeting audiences for children's books, considerations can include age, gender, level of reading ability, subject matter, literary genre, illustrations, content and values. Additionally, cultural context and sensitivities should be taken into account. Your target audience may also be referred to as your target market or right readers, while the act of finding your audience may be referred to as targeting. Targeting refers to the creation of a promotional strategy to appeal to certain readers who have specific genres, specialties, or interests in mind.


Template - A template is a default set of elements, such as headings, fonts, and images, that can be used as a starting point to create other documents. This is beneficial when producing multiple products that require a similar style. Templates for children's picture books may include artwork and layout elements that are appropriate for the target age group. These templates could also incorporate important formatting guidelines and regulations for the printed book industry. Picture book templates are designed to make it easier for authors to create a book that appeals to young readers. 


Termination clause - A termination clause is a clause in a contract that allows either party to legally end the agreement at a certain point in time. This clause is commonly found in contracts between authors and publishers, and it often allows authors to reclaim their rights to a book if it has not been successful with sales.


Terms and conditions - Terms and conditions refers to the set of rules and regulations which govern a publishing or book agreement. These may include copyright ownership, payment structure, obligations of both parties, and various other details related to a specific agreement. Usually, terms and conditions will be written into the contract before the publishing process begins.


Territory - When it comes to book rights, authors and publishers may license and own various rights in distinct countries or continents. As a self-publishing author, one retains total worldwide rights.


Tracking - In typography, tracking is the adjustment of space between characters that are in a line of text. This can be done to modify the appearance of the line or to conform to a certain style.


Trad (traditional) publisher - A trade (traditional) publisher is a publishing house (usually a large company) that publishes and distributes books to retailers and libraries, typically offering authors and illustrators an advance and royalties. Trade publishers have extensive marketing departments and are able to generate publicity and demand for books that they release, as well as provide them with a larger distribution reach than an author or illustrator might be able to achieve on their own.


Trade book - A trade book is a book that covers an area of special interest for a broad audience.


Trade bookseller - A trade bookseller is a retailer that specializes in selling books to the general public, as opposed to selling books to specialized audiences such as educational institutions or libraries. This type of bookseller often carries a wide selection of titles, including children’s books.


Trade paperback - A trade paperback is a type of paperback book that is larger than a mass market paperback and is typically sold in bookstores. It is made to be more durable and usually has a higher quality cover and paper that is better suited for libraries. Trade paperbacks are usually the preferred format for children’s books.


Trademark - A Trademark is a type of intellectual property that provides a certain level of protection to the owner of the mark. It is a device, symbol, or words that distinguish the source of a product or service from that of another. In the context of children’s books, the trademark might consist of the title, characters, artwork, etc. of the book. A trademark can be registered and enforced in order to provide legal recourse if someone were to use the mark without permission.


Traditional distribution - Traditional distribution is the practice of selling printed books through third-party wholesalers and retailers such as bookstores, libraries, and other outlets. These outlets typically buy books from publishers and then resell them at a marked-up price.


Translation rights - Translation rights refer to the subsidiary rights for a book to be translated and sold in a different language.


Trim size - Trim size refers to the dimensions of a print book, specifically the page size. Children’s picture books are often printed in a “standard” trim size of 8 1/2” x 11” (or 8” x 10”), which is popular because it fits into standard book shelves and allows for full-page illustrations that fill the entire page. However, it’s important to check with your printer before selecting trim size as some printers have different options for binding and finishing that require different measurements.


Tweeps - Tweeps are people who follow a particular publisher or author on Twitter. These people are often the first to know about new books and other updates, so they are an important part of the author’s or publisher’s online presence.


Typeface - In typography, a typeface is a particular variation within a type family, including options such as roman, italic, and bold.


Type family - A type family is a group of related font styles that possess common design features. Every member of the type family can differ in terms of heft (e.g. bold or regular) and width (narrow or wide), and may also have linked italicized variances.


Typesetting - Typesetting is the process of adjusting the interior of a book to make it ready for printing. It's also known as formatting for print.


Typography - Typography is the craft of designing and arranging type to be used in printing or other formats. It involves deciding what kind of type to use, where to place it, and how to make it look attractive and legible. With careful consideration, typography can help to enhance the meaning, message, and overall appeal of a published work.


USP - Unique Selling Position. A distinguishing feature or characteristic of your book or article which makes it stand out in the market.


UX - UX stands for User Experience, which refers to a user's overall experience when interacting with a product or service. In the context of publishing and children's books, this would refer to the experience readers have when using an app, website, or book. It would include elements such as the design, the navigation, and the content of the product.


Unbound proof - An unbound proof is a type of proof copy of a book that is printed without being bound in cover materials, such as a paper cover or hardback cover. Unbound proofs are often used to check a book’s print quality and formatting before it is actually printed and bound in its final form.


Uncoated paper - Paper which doesn't have a clay coating is known as uncoated paper. Also referred to as offset or text paper.


Unit cost - The unit cost is the price associated with the production and assembly of a printed book.


Unsolicited manuscript - An unsolicited manuscript is a piece of writing such as a story, article, poem, or book that has not been assigned by an editor, or has not been requested. 


Up - "Two Up" or "Three Up" indicates the printing of multiple copies of an image onto a single sheet. This is done through one single impression, thus producing identical copies.


Vanity press - Vanity publishers, or vanity press, has traditionally been seen as a business that produces books at the author’s expense. 


Vector graphic - A vector graphic is an image created using a digital drawing program, which is not composed of pixels like a photograph. These images maintain their detail, no matter the size they are scaled to. This type of graphic is usually created using programs like Adobe Illustrator, with the file extension .ai or .eps.


Virtual book tour (VBT) - A virtual book tour is a promotional tool used by authors to reach audiences online. It typically involves a series of interviews, blog posts, and other online activities that are used to promote a book. In the case of children’s books, virtual book tours may also include virtual events such as story readers or online activities that are related to the book’s themes and characters.


Web press - A type of printing press that utilizes rolls of paper and cuts it into individual sheets after printing is known as a web press. There are numerous sizes of web presses, most notably mini, half, three quarter (also referred to as 8-pages) and full (also labeled as 16-pages).


Weight - In typography, the weight of a font is an expression of its darkness or lightness due to its design and the thickness of its lines.


White space - The total amount of non-image areas on a page, particularly gutters and margins, is referred to as white space. Giving a sense of openness to self-published designs and allowing them to "breathe" can be achieved through the use of more white space.


Wholesale discount - The wholesale discount is a lowered cost that retailers or distributors pay for books when they purchase them from authors or publishers.


Wholesaler - A wholesaler is a distributor that purchases books from publishers or authors and resells them to booksellers, libraries, schools, and other retailers in bulk.


Wide distribution - A distribution strategy where authors can distribute and sell their books across multiple channels by either uploading them directly to platforms or using an aggregator. Examples of wide distribution channels for children’s picture books include ebook retailers such as Amazon Kindle, physical book retailers such as Barnes & Noble and independent bookstores, print-on-demand services such as IngramSpark, and direct sales from the author’s website or social media accounts. Additionally, there are special considerations for wide distribution of digital versions of children’s picture books. Authors need to know and abide by the requirements of each channel they plan to use and understand any restrictions they have in place, such as specific file formats. They should be aware of features or components that may need to be adjusted or added to digital book files or metadata for each distribution channel, and are well-advised to ensure they test the files on multiple devices and platforms to ensure they are displaying properly.


Widow - In typography, a widow is a single word or part of a word that appears alone at the end of a line of a caption or heading.


Work for hire - A work for hire arrangement is when a writer creates text for a publisher or other business entity for a fixed fee, relinquishing all rights to the work, including any possibility of reprinting it.


X-height - X-height is the distance from the baseline of a typeface to the midline. It represents the main body of a typeface’s characters and the main focus of a design. It is usually the letter ‘x’ that is used when measuring the x-height of a typeface. The x-height is an important element to consider when designing a book, especially when used as a children’s book.


XHTML - XHTML stands for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. It is a language for describing structured documents that are based on a set of markup symbols or codes. XHTML is an application of XML, which is a markup language for defining data elements and structures. XHTML is used for webpages and applications, and also for books and other documents in e-book formats such as EPUB.


XML - XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that uses tags to define and store data in a structured way. It is often used to store and transfer data between computers and is frequently used in the publishing industry, especially for formatting books for digital platforms. XML makes it easier for software applications to interpret, organize, and share data with each other.


YA - YA stands for Young Adult, which is the term used for manuscripts written for readers between the ages of 12 and 18. They typically address elements like teenage angst, self-discovery, coming-of-age stories, issues of social acceptance and identity, stories of friendship and family, and exploring the protagonist's moral compass. They can also explore topics such as mental health, social issues, acceptance of diversity, and personal growth and development.


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