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Manuscript Overview

Made Live’s Manuscript Overview features are more than just tools; they're your creative partners. Use tags to position text, comments to collaborate with illustrators, bookmarks to save your progress, and spreadbreaks to design your reader's experience.

Within the Manuscript Overview, the road to your children's book unfolds. This set of features will allow you to shape the journey of your book, adding tags to denote the location and position of text, envisioning where page turns should occur, and weaving in essential comments via notes to streamline the storyboarding and illustration process. 

Blueprints for Brilliance

The Manuscript Overview isn't just about words; it's about architecting a narrative. With spreadbreaks, you craft suspense. With comments, you add depth and improve communication with your team. By embracing this feature, you're creating blueprints for your masterpiece - a book that flows smoothly, resonates deeply, and weaves it's magic into the hearts of readers. 

Because our Manuscript feature is built for children's books, it works a little different that conventional word processors and has many features to support that goal that are coming soon. The most important difference between our editor and a conventional word processor, is Made Live's Manuscript Feature is built for spread-to-spread editing rather than page-to-page. This will allow you to visually place text for references and transfer your text directly to your storyboard when you're ready. 

Additionally, character tagging features will allow you to keep character notes seperately which is valuable to betareads and editing. 

With this in mind, the Manuscript feature in tandem with Made Live Teams will allow you to invite editors and fellow authors into your project to read what you've written before you get too far into the design process. 


Unique to Made Live, tags allow you seperate your book planning from your writing. Tag characters rather than write the character name in, describe imagery for your designer, and add comments or notes for you or others to review. 


Think of spreadbreaks as the hinges of your story's doors. They denote breaks in your manuscript where you imagine page turns. These spreadbreaks hold the promise of anticipation, guiding the reader to discover what lies ahead.  




They hold the key to a streamlined design process. By adding them strategically, you're setting the stage for effortless storyboard creation. 

By adding spreadbreaks, you can use the Migrate tool to automatically create the dialogue in your book in the appropriate pages. 

Transferring to Design

When using spreadbreaks and alignment effectively, you can automatically transfer your book directly from your writing to your design. This will save you immeasurable time and assure your written ideas align with your design ideas.



Last Updated: about 1 year

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